And the first round of the Pondathon is over! You can read everything about this readathon in my other post The Beginning of the Pondathon 2022 and on the website of the Quiet Pond, the organising blog for the readathon…. Continue Reading →
0:04 And the Readathon has started! I am quickly filling in the opening survey so I can quickly start with reading. After I got my cup of coffee. No, my preparations are not the best, whoops. Well, here we go…. Continue Reading →
My plans for this Saturday suddenly disappeared, so that means time came free to participate in Dewey’s Readathon! A 24 hour readathon that takes place every year in April and in October. This readathon starts this Saturday at 2 PM,… Continue Reading →
-0:20 It’s almost time for Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon! I am quickly preparing myself for this challenge, but I will already write something for the opening survey. In that way I can quickly start reading at 2 PM my time…. Continue Reading →
It is time for a new readathon! Here in the Netherlands we have a long weekend so it’s the perfect time for a readathon. It is now almost noon here, so there are two more hours to go before the… Continue Reading →
It is friday so that means that it is time for a new Friday Five. This week the theme of the bookish list is Books in which music plays a role. A theme that is like music to my ears…. Continue Reading →
The books by Rick Riordan are my go-to books when I just want to read, want to laugh and want to entertain myself with cool characters and cool adventures. So with the readathon of last weekend I read the first… Continue Reading →
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