And the second round is already over. This round was going very fast, so therefore I haven’t read as much as I wanted. I read only one book in this round (but started a few others). Luckily there was also… Continue Reading →
0:04 And the Readathon has started! I am quickly filling in the opening survey so I can quickly start with reading. After I got my cup of coffee. No, my preparations are not the best, whoops. Well, here we go…. Continue Reading →
My plans for this Saturday suddenly disappeared, so that means time came free to participate in Dewey’s Readathon! A 24 hour readathon that takes place every year in April and in October. This readathon starts this Saturday at 2 PM,… Continue Reading →
-0:20 It’s almost time for Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon! I am quickly preparing myself for this challenge, but I will already write something for the opening survey. In that way I can quickly start reading at 2 PM my time…. Continue Reading →
This weekend is THE moment. The 24 in 48 Readathon! In this readathon it is the goal the read as much as possible in 48 hours, with the ultimate goal to read at least 24 hours. You would think that… Continue Reading →
It is time for a new readathon! Here in the Netherlands we have a long weekend so it’s the perfect time for a readathon. It is now almost noon here, so there are two more hours to go before the… Continue Reading →
Everyone needs to stay inside. Wash your hands! Don’t meet other people. Except… people on the internet! Because most people in the world need to distance themselves from others the people behind 24 in 48 decided to organize a new… Continue Reading →
Hour 1 Yeees! Time for the 24 in 48 Readathon. That means: this weekend I am going to try to read as much as possible (or 24 hours). I have been looking forward to this for weeks. Sit down and… Continue Reading →
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