Everyone needs to stay inside. Wash your hands! Don’t meet other people. Except… people on the internet! Because most people in the world need to distance themselves from others the people behind 24 in 48 decided to organize a new readathon. And it starts right now! Probably I will still be in bed at this time (the readathon starts at 5.00 AM for me), but I will come soon to keep you updated.

Day 1


So I have been reading for 40 minutes. I woke a few minutes before 7 my time. To start reading soon I only got up from bed to get my book and then I started reading. I started in Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller. For now it’s a really great book! I am not sure about how soon the butterflies start. Is it normal for pirates to flirt and touch so soon? But we’ll see how it goes. At least I am interested in what this is all about.


I have read for some more time. I want to say that this book is really easy to get through. Interesting but the text also flows in the right way. I almost didn’t stop reading, but now I am going to get some walking done.

This year and want to participate in an event in the Netherlands where you walk a lot and for that I need to train. And now we can still go outside I really want to get my training done. I will be walking around 23 kilometers. It will at least be enough to listen to the audio book I had reserved for today: Kitty Confidential by Molly Fitz. I am leaving now and I will see you back in a few more hours.


And I’m back! I don’t know why I have been back for so long, but that doesn’t matter. I finished the book! I finished Kitty Confidential! I found it actually really funny. The cat was amazing. Sometimes I exactly knew what would be happening, but sometimes the story managed to surprise me. I liked it a lot.

Sadly my walk was longer than the audio book I had been listening, so I couldn’t read for a while, but that doesn’t really matter, because I could listen to a bookish podcast for about an hour. There is enough time to catch up, right? Halp?

My feet hurt a lot. I walked for 23 kilometers and my feet aren’t very happy with that. But now I can give my feet some rest. I am going to read further in Daughter of the Pirate King. I’m interested in how that story continues…


And it’s time for dinner! I am on page 205 of Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller. It is a really great book, even though I think there is a lot more sexyness for my liking. But the book keeps me on my edge, so that is great. I am very interested in how it will go on.

Sadly I am getting a bit of a headache, which is not nice. I will get some medicine and maybe it will get better soon. And hopefully I haven’t… caught something. But alright. My food is ready so I will get back to you later.


And I finished the second book for the readathon! It is really great reading so much. I feel so relaxed and I am really enjoying myself.

The book was very interesting. I liked the characters a lot. There is a second book so I hope that one reveals the answers I still have. The book was a bit unbelievable around the attraction and love topic but apart from that it is a really cool book.

Now I am going to treat myself a bit and after that I will start reading the next book. I am deciding between In The Time We Lost by Carrie Hope Fletcher and Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa. You can read later what I have chosen.


And it’s time to go to bed and sleep! Tomorrow is another day to read so now I can make sure that I feel kind of refreshed tomorrow. In the mean time I started reading The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa. It’s a very interesting book with shocking concepts. I have read 9 hours and 40 minutes so that means dat I need to read about 14 hours more to complete the 24. I probably won’t make it but I had least would have read a lot and enjoyed myself. Have fun reading!

Day 2


And it is the next day! It was a difficult night and I haven’t slept that well, but luckily I don’t have to do a lot today. Just read. I will read further in the Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa. I’m now at 31% of the book. Have a nice day!


And I finished the book! Exactly in time for lunch. I will have my favorite kind of instant noodles for lunch. Normally I don’t eat that for lunch, but I really want to eat it right now. Hmmm.

The Memory Police was very intriguing. It made me think about all sorts of things, which was really great. I missed some kind of goal in the book. I knew it was about the disappearances and the influence of this on the character. It talked about memories and the disappearances of them. Very interesting, but for myself I would like to have seen a goal for the main character.

After lunch I am going to start reading In The Time We Lost by Carrie Hope Fletcher. That book will probably be a lot more sweet and nice, and I look forward to that. Maybe I will get myself some tea and eat some chocolate to help me with the fuzzy feeling I crave right now. Happy reading!


And I finished the fourth book! In the mean time I have made myself food and I ate it all and I even did the dishes. But I didn’t really want to let this book go. It was so great. I cried a lot and the ending broke my heart. I think this is really a great book. Carrie her writing style is getting better and better and I love her characters and interesting story angles. It is really great!

It is now already evening. I don’t really have the time to finish another book and to be fair I am done with reading for the day. I read for a total of 18 hours and 2 minutes, which, I think, is a personal record for me anyway. And I have read a total of 4 books this weekend! This readathon was really great. I read great books, I did a walk outside ánd I got to be a bit more active on Twitter than normally. Thank you everyone and I will probably see you later in one of my blogs or at the next readathon. Happy reading!